Traitor's Arrow: A thrilling adventure set in Norman England (The Medieval Saga Series Book 2) by David Field

Traitor's Arrow: A thrilling adventure set in Norman England (The Medieval Saga Series Book 2) by David Field

Author:David Field [Field, David]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Sapere Books
Published: 2022-04-29T04:00:00+00:00

Three weeks after his return, Wilfrid became aware of a minor commotion at the manor entrance. Many of the voices being raised were male, and, fearing that someone such as Earl Bigod was intent on plunder during the believed absence of the lord of the manor, Wilfrid walked hastily outside. A man was climbing down from his horse, surrounded by well-wishers. As Wilfrid walked towards the new arrival, Mother Magdalena raced past him, her black robes fluttering behind her, and embraced the man. With a sinking heart, Wilfrid followed behind her and looked hard into Geoffrey’s eyes as he stared at him over his mother’s shoulder.

‘Thomas?’ Wilfrid enquired, his heart in his mouth.

Geoffrey smiled back reassuringly. ‘He’s still in London somewhere. I left him there not three days ago.’

‘Why did he choose not to return with you?’

Geoffrey shrugged. ‘He would not say. He was very secretive all the time while we were crossing the Channel from Cherbourg, but I believe that there is a woman involved. He was very close with one of Count Stephen’s daughters.’

‘How went matters in the Holy Land?’ Magdalena enquired as she took her son’s arm and steered him back towards the manor house, Wilfrid walking alongside them.

‘Very confused, and the outcome uncertain. The Crusade leaders seem more intent on arguing among themselves, and we were badly led. Twice we had to retreat in a great hurry, and I was lucky to escape with my life. Many did not.’

‘But Thomas is safe, you say?’ Wilfrid asked again.

‘Safe from slaughter, but I fear that this woman of whom I spoke has him in her clutches.’

‘Why do you fear it?’

‘Because the lady in question has a dark secret. She is Stephen of Blois’ bastard daughter, and the countess disapproves of her. She was absent from court when we returned from where we had been fighting on the shores of the Black Sea, and it was then that Thomas became anxious to return to England. Perhaps she is here already.’

‘In London?’

‘Perhaps. Until shortly before we left, our conversation was all to do with our return to Walsingham. By the time we were taking ship, Thomas was intent on delaying his return in order to conduct some sort of secret business in London.’

‘You know that we have a new king?’ his mother enquired as she steered him though the manor house door and called for wine.

‘We heard while we were still in Blois, where we were sent by Count Robert when we first arrived in Normandy. We fought under the command of his brother-in-law Count Stephen.’

‘Then you would not have learned that Wilfrid here was imprisoned by the former king for almost two years?’

‘No, but it would not surprise me. If I have learned anything, it is that kings and counts are not to be trusted.’


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